Summer Gathering 2012 Presents...

Summer Gathering 2012 Presents...
ExperiEssencE (9th-12th Aug)

Monday 11 July 2011


Hello everyone. This page is not the total of all posts about the Gathering. There has also been info. written up on many more Workshops, Musicians, Entertainments, volunteering and more. To see these older blog posts, please click on 'Older Posts' at the bottom of the page. Or, see 'Blog Archive' at the bottom right, under the photos.

Julian Daizan Skinner
Julian Daizan Skinner is the first Englishman to go to Japan and become a Roshi or Zen Master in the rigorous Rinzai tradition of Zen. About twenty years ago, he gave up a promising career as a scientist in the pharmaceuticals industry, sold his house, gave all the money away and entered a Zen monastery. Over many years of strict training, in Japan and the west, Daizan Roshi received Dharma Transmission in both the Rinzai and Soto lineages of Zen and received inka and permission to teach from Shinzan Miyamae Roshi , with whom he continues to study.

Tim Freke
Tim has an honours degree in philosophy and is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality. He is the author of over thirty books that have established his reputation as a scholar and free-thinker.
He is perhaps best known for his groundbreaking work on Christian Gnosticism with his close friend Peter Gandy, including The Jesus Mysteries, which was a top 10 best-seller in the UK and USA, and a ‘Book of the Year’ in the UK Daily Telegraph. In recent years he has articulated his own ‘lucid philosophy’ in The Laughing Jesus, Lucid Living, and How Long is Now? 
He is often featured in documentary films and chat shows broadcast by the global media, such as the BBC and the History Channel. Tim is the founder of The Alliance for Lucid Living, (The ALL), an organization dedicated to our collective awakening. He lives with his wife Debbie and their two children in Glastonbury, England

 Jo Berry 
Jo has been on a long journey since her father, Sir Anthony Berry MP, was killed by the IRA in the bombing of the 1984 Tory Party conference in Brighton Sussex.
The following is an excerpt from Jo’s official website:
“In the days after the bomb I wanted to somehow bring something positive out of the tragedy and began a journey of healing. The last 25 years have been full of learnings and remarkable experiences.
In November 2000 I met Pat Magee, the man responsible for planting the bomb and we have now become friends. For me, the question is about whether I can let go of my need to blame, and open my heart enough to hear Pat's story and understand his motivations. The truth is that, sometimes I can and sometimes I can’t and this choice is always there.
I wanted to meet Pat, to hear his story and see him as a real human being. At our first meeting I was terrified but as soon as we met we talked with an extraordinary intensity. I shared a lot about my father, while Pat told me some of his story. I realised half way through that first meeting that I was at the beginning of another journey.
I still have feelings that are painful. I still get angry but I have learnt that these feelings can be transformed into passion for change. My passion for change starts with me wanting to stop the cycle of violence and revenge in me and has grown into helping create a world in which violence is not seen as a viable way of resolving conflict.
My commitment is to see the humanity in everyone. Building Bridges for Peace is now an umbrella for all the work that I do to participate in creating a peaceful world.”

Tim ‘Mac’ McCartney
From working as a gardener in a management training centre, Tim MaCartney went on to become Head of Consultancy there within three years, and then started a ‘people and organisation development’ company, working with the leaders of multinationals. His inspirational approach to leadership development resulted in him being given Embercombe, a 50-acre Devonshire smallholding, by an appreciative client to develop his vision: a social enterprise which seeks ‘to inspire committed action for a truly sustainable world’.


Becky Hanscombe - Trance Dance

Beckie Hanscombe is the founder of the Ecstatic Empowerment System™ and facilitates regular events, workshops and retreats here and in Europe.
Beckie is passionate about empowering people who would not normally have access to life transforming tools. Her aim is to bring a “practical Spirituality” into the mainstream.

She has over 14 years experience of holding sacred space. A long term student and teacher of Mind Body energy systems including, Ecstatic Dance, Shamanism, yoga, meditation and Qi Gong, she weaves together her knowledge to create events and workshops that are a fast-track to transformation.

Andrea Harrn - Love Workshop 
Andrea works as a counsellor, psychotherapist, clinical hypnotherapist and Reiki practitioner in East London. She is an intuitive healer, naturally using energies creatively and sensitively for the highest good.  Accredited member of BACP and UKRCP, FDAP and UKRF. For the past 3 years Andrea has run self-development retreats in Glastonbury and now looks forward to sharing her workshops at Gaunts House.

Aspects of Love Workshop
Love means many things to many people.  Some say its an emotion, a feeling, others would say affection or attachment.  Is it a virtue or an act of human kindness, compassion – or perhaps more than that it is the basis for all being – and can be thought of in terms of divine love, eternal Oneness, god in whatever form you know and believe.  You can love many things – like a Chinese meal or a film or a person – it can be romantic, sexual, fulfilling or painful – parental, romantic, platonic or familial.   You can feel love from many sources, people, nature, environment, art, music.  Love can be an intense feeling but can also be a feeling of calm within.

This workshop is an opportunity to think about what love means and has meant to you.  We are going to work together to define love and then think about how we can personally take love forward in a positive way.

Will include a meditation and intention on love.

Sangeeta Chohan  - Pranayama      
During a life crisis in 2005, Pranayama found me and provided the ‘key’ to a positive mindset and triggered a thirst for greater understanding of the mind and body balance that can be achieved through meditation.  The technique proved so powerful that I decided to go to India and study under the guidance of Swami Ramdevji in order to teach Pranayama in the UK.
Experiencing Kundalini Yoga has further enhanced my understanding of Pranic energy and my acceptance of my reality as a soul in a human body.  Studying level 2 currently, has been a deeper experience of spiritual upliftment and connection.
My passion is to bring yoga back to its true form.  Yoga is a lifestyle, as explained in the ancient yoga sutras, an inward journey of remembering our unlimited greatness.  As we change our consciousness and become personally empowered, we transform and heal the world.
Opening up to LOVE - Pranayama and Mantra Meditation 6– 7:30am
Breath is .....  life
Pranayama,  the science of breath control, is an ancient technique, defined as one of the eight limbs of yoga five thousand  years ago by the Indian Sage Patanjali.  Through a series of breath exercises, working deeply at cellular level, we detoxify and then re-energise the whole body with cosmic prana.  We then move the pranic energy from the base chakra to the third eye and use naad or sound healing, to slow the mind and tune into the neutral or peace channel.  This deepening meditation experience can open new doors for your wisdom and self healing. 
Transform yourself in the magic of the early morning with Pranayama and experience your sacred breath, your greatest teacher.  Open the heart space and unleash the universal current of love to heal ourselves, our loved ones and Mother Earth.
We complete the healing effects  with a beautiful ‘Ra Ma Da Sa’ Mantra Meditation to stay with you throughout your day.  